The first visit will take approximately 2 hours, which includes a consultation with your provider and appropriate testing. Please bring a list of your current medications, including strengths and doses. Also, bring any relevant blood test results, breathing test reports, and reports of x-rays, CT or MRI scans. If you have seen an allergist before, bring previous records, including skin test and blood tests.
In order to do skin testing, do not take antihistamines for 5 days before your appointment. This includes nasal sprays that are an antihistamine. Please call if you are not sure if your medication contains an antihistamine.
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to fill out New Patient Registration paperwork. You can also download a copy of the registration packet, fill it out, and bring it with you to your first appointment. Please remember to bring your insurance card, driver’s license or identification card, and a referral, if your insurance requires having one.